XREF i TrueType fontovi iliti “zašto mi sve tako sporo, u čemu ti arhitekti to rade”

Često imate situaciju da radite na dwg dokumentu koju ste dobili od nekog drugog (arhitekta, geodeta…). I često mu spominjete mater jer ispada da dokument od mar MB se ponaša kao 3D model od nekoliko GB – često je sve usporeno i trza.
I iako nažalost još uvijek puno kolega nezna pravilno exportirati dwg dokument za rad u “običnom” AutoCAD-u (naredba exporttoautocad unutar Autodesk-a, Archicad je priča za sebe), koji put je problem u običnom fontu.


When a drawing containing a TrueType Font (TTF) is attached as an external reference (XREF) to a new blank drawing in AutoCAD, the file performance slows significantly. Issues include:

    • Jumpy cursor
    • Command lag
    • Hanging/freezing
    • Program crash


    • Substitute the TTF font with one of the fonts included with the program:
    1. Open the problematic xref file.
    2. Enter the STYLE command.
    3. Select the text style that has a TrueType font.
    4. Change the font to one included with AutoCAD, such as an SHX or the @Arial Unicode MS.
    5. Repeat for each text style that has a TrueType font.
    6. Use the PURGE command select all options to clean the drawing
    • Remove the Oblique angle from all styles employing a TTF font
    1. Type STYLE at the command line, Enter
    2. Step through each Style
    3. Change the oblique angle to 0
    4. Set the Font Style to Italic
    5. Save and Exit.


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