AutoCAD – problemi s kopiranje layouta iliti pa koji klinac sad ne radi

Sigurno vam se više puta desilo – i nekom projektu ste baš lijepo složili layoute – okviri su točno kako treba, sastavnica je na mjestu, čak vam i podaci iz legende odgovaraju.

Samo treba prebaciti layoute u novi nacrt i to je to – drag&drop preko DesignCentra – 10 skundi posla…..

….. i naravno da ne ispade kako treba, veličina papira je kriva, viewport ne odgovara – sve je zbrčkano….

Razlog – krivo podešene UNITS u file-ovima, tj. nisu iste. Ali, niste prvi s tim problem, postoji rješenje:


I have the problem that when i copy a layout through designcenter to a other drawing everything scales in the new layout. The text in the titleblock gets very big, some revision and concept stamps getting diverent sizes. And the printarea doesen’t fit the drawing frame anymore.


I found the answer.
Using the command -DWGUNITS solve the problem.

These are the settings i use:


Command: -dwgunits

Drawing units:
1. Inches
2. Feet
3. Millimeters
4. Centimeters
5. Decimeters
6. Meters
Unit for length <4>: 6

Drawing unit display formats:
1. Scientific
2. Decimal
Linear display format <2>:

Linear display precision <4>:

Scale objects from other drawings upon insert? [Yes/No] <Yes>: n

Match INSUNITS to drawing units? [Yes/No] <Yes>: n

** WARNING: you have changed the unit for this drawing database. **
** All new objects will be drawn according to the new unit, but **
** existing objects will not change size unless you specifically **
** ask to have automatic scaling occur. **

Scale objects in current drawing to reflect change in units? [Yes/No] <Yes>: n


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